Building A Stock Portfolio
Buying stocks is a big step, but one doesn’t make money buying stocks. We make money by building a portfolio and holding onto stocks that go higher.
Our building a stock portfolio course goes through the ins and outs of what you should target in your portfolio. Diversification vs. concentrated portfolios vs. spreading yourself too thin (a.k.a. diworsification). Reinvesting dividends. Tracking performance. Whether you need anything beyond stocks – bonds, cash, gold, bitcoin, or real estate. These are the sorts of things we’re focused on – more the mechanics of building and managing your portfolio itself than the holding onto or tracking individual stocks.
As with our How to Buy Stocks course, I’ll fill this course with examples from my own investing experience. I will say I have more room to improve in portfolio construction, so I’ll share my learnings alongside these posts. As new posts are available, we’ll include the links here.
Complete this course and you’ll have the framework for how to apply your knowledge of buying stocks to actually filling out a stock portfolio that you can hold onto. Which will flow into the next course, how to hold, track, and sell stocks.
Building a Stock Portfolio
- Diversification – How many stocks do you need to own?
- How much of one stock should I have in my portfolio?
- Should you own anything besides stocks? Cash, bonds, etc?
- What about bitcoin?
- What about gold?
- How varied should your portfolio be?
- DRIP / dividend investing
- What do I do once my portfolio is full?
- Example of my portfolios and famous investor portfolios
- Tracking portfolio performance